Sunday, November 28, 2010

A Little Behind???

My lovely sister-in-law made me these way cute towels for Christmas two years ago.  They are so cute and I love having one for each month; however, this is the one that is STILL hanging...

Where has October and November gone???  I can't believe that December is just a few days away.  We have been quite busy this month.  After lots and lots of shopping around and discussing, we got a new car!  The X-Terra is gone much to Josh's sorrow :(  He loved being able to "pull things."  But we are soo happy to be in our 2007 Saturn Aura!  I am completely in LOVE with our new car!  And we are able to have a much smaller car payment!  That took a lot of our time this month. 

We also have been having fun with our friends out here.  I made this with my friend Valerie.

It's the only Christmas decor that we have up right now but not for long!  Decorations usually go up on black Friday in my house, but due to shopping and having to work, they will go up tonight!  I'm so ready for Christmas!

We had a great Thanksgiving with our great friends out here in Ohio.  It was really a good Thanksgiving, but what Thanksgiving isn't?  We enjoyed yummy turkey, rolls, stuffing, mashed potatoes, salad, pies, fun company, etc....It was really great; too bad there aren't any pictures to prove it :(  Oh well...I know December will be great too and can't wait to see both of our families including brothers who have gotten home from their missions, meeting a niece and half-sister for the first time and a brother in law getting married.  We have a BUSY next month but can't wait!


  1. I'm always behind when it comes to rotating those cute towels, time goes too fast! We put up all our decorations yesterday, and I even have presents wrapped and under the tree :)
    Congrats on the new car, and cute Christmas blocks! Can't wait to see you guys soon!

  2. cutest towel EVER! LOOOOVE it!

    And hooray for your new car! Gotta get together so I can see your new ride! :) Hope you have a great month!!

  3. We missed you at Thanksgiving but I'm so glad you have good friends and enjoyed the holiday. Love you!

  4. Cute towel and cute Christmas dec. I'm thinking about trying my hand at yet another wreath... we will see how it turns out. I can't believe it's almost December either, this year has gone by sooo fast.

  5. Mine still says 30 days til Christmas ( or whatever you changed it to) but they are cute
