Tuesday, May 19, 2009

One Year!

Wow! It's been one full year since I have started my blog! My how much our lives have changed in the last year. As I was reading some of my older posts, a lot has happened this last year. A year ago, we had no idea that we had gotten into podiatry school! But after a busy busy summer, a move across the country and two full semesters of school and the dreaded test weeks...we are here! So, not only is this a time to celebrate our Blog-iversary but also a time to celebrate being done with our first year of school! YAY!!!!!

Here are a few things to highlight that we have blogged about this last year:

  • My first and only Scorpion bite the first night Josh and I were apart after being married
  • The trip to Michigan that no one that was there will EVER forget
  • Our last big party with my family in Oklahoma celebrating my college graduation and our moving away party
  • My sister, Shawnee's, wedding
  • Our first camping trip in Ohio with new friends celebrating the end of our very first test week.
  • My sister, Karri, got married too!
  • Our first winter in Ohio, Christmas in Idaho and my brother, Logan, left on his mission
  • A long weekend with just my sisters!

We have had one BUSY, CRAZY year, but we have had so much fun! We miss our families like crazy but are so thankful for all the friends we have made in Ohio! We can only wish for another year as good as this one!


  1. Hooray for blogiversaries! I love going back and reading about what was happening way back when!
    Here's to many more years of blogging bliss!

  2. Wow so many changes! I look forward to reading about more exciting adventures from the Wray clan. Oh - and cute background.
