Sunday, February 22, 2009

I Survived!!!

What exactly did I survive you ask? Well, Friday night I had the achievement day girls from church (ages 8-12) over for a slumber party. One of the girls will be leaving our group to go to Young Womans ;( so we HAD to have a party for her. Three out of the four were able to make it. Unfortunately the last one was sick, so we will be doing another later on. I was completely nervous at having these girls over in our TINY ONE BEDROOM apartment, but they were great! We had a lot of fun! We ate pizza, chips, ice cream, cake, cookies, candy, donuts and more! Of course there were tons of leftovers I got "stuck" eating all these unhealthy things ALL weekend! I was going to post pictures but the computer for some reason is being WAAAAY too slow. So maybe I will do it maybe I won't. Other than the sleepover....I did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! We are down to one car right now and Josh had it. He also was studying aallllllllllllllllllllllll weekend. On Saturday, I recovered from the sleepover by cleaning up and SLEEPING! Well, that's about it. Wish us luck on yet ANOTHER test week ;)....The only thing that is keeping me going is counting down til I get to spend the weekend with my sister in Tennessee!!!! In 10 days!!!!! Well, I hope everyone has a GREAT week!

Sunday, February 15, 2009


Since it is now half way through the month, I thought I should FINALLY post something. We have actually been keeping ourselves quite busy! The weather did warm up for about a week and pretty much all the snow melted! It was sooooo nice to have that break! I only wish that it could have stayed that warm. It is back to being cold and snowy again, but there isn't nearly as much snow as there was....Knock on Wood. Anyways....On to what we've been up to! We watched my boss's dog Woody for a long weekend while my boss was out of town. Don't worry, we watched him as their house and not ours. We aren't into indoor animals and this "opportunity" only confirmed that to us. AnyWho, here is a picture of Woody. Now this dog snores LOUDER than any human I know of! Even worse that Josh! It was way bad!!

Last weekend, I also had an activity with my achievement day girls. One of the girls was in charge of teaching the other girls something new. She chose to go ice skating! I had a blast! It was WAY fun!! The girl who put this together is way sweet and one of my favorites! She has only been ice skating for about 10 weeks now, but you would think she had been for a LONG time. She completely amazed me. I was the first one to fall flat on my rear end, but not the last. I actually only fell once too! The place where we went in outside but with a roof. It was a pretty cool place and you couldn't beat the price of only a DOLLAR to go ice skating!!!!!! It really was a lot of fun! Here are a few pictures I was able to snap:

Josh and I did an early Valentine's date with just the two of us this last Monday! We went out and splurged quite a bit of money, but it was worth it! We went to The Cheesecake Factory. Josh had never been there and I had only been there once and hated what I got to eat, but I have since wanted to give it another try since everyone else says it's soooo good. It was good too! I got the Raspberry Lemon cheesecake after my yummy burger! And Josh got Key Lime Cheesecake after his Mexican dish. It was way good and we even made it back in time to watch "The Bachelor" together. I know....we are totally lame!

Then yesterday we went to some friend's house and had a blast!!! I think we were there for like 7 hours....Hopefully we didn't overstay our welcome, but we had a great time. They are just really fun people. We played Battle of the Sexes, True Colors and "Friends" Scene It Game. Even though I didn't win at any of the games, it was still really fun! Thanks guys!!!!
Well, that's about it.....Hopefully I will write a little sooner next time! Happy Late Valentine's Day Everyone!!!