Thursday, August 28, 2008

Six Down and How many to go?!?!?!?!?!

Yes, that is right I have now been to at least six interviews. Now to be completely honest, there may be even a few more that I have since forgotten about. But yes I have now been to SIX interviews and what have I gotten...NOTHING! Have I mentioned how much I hate job hunting? Seriously, why have I not gotten anything back? This whole thing is really starting to get to me. Now, four of the six have been this week and two of them maybe one of those liked me enough to hire me. Why can they not just tell me there? Why can't they just say "Dina, you're awesome and are now hired?" This is really getting frustrating....OK well I will stop complaining now. I just had to get that out of my system!

For this post I didn't want it to just be me complaining, so I did take pictures of our apartment to post so you can all see what it looks like...(Note there are no pictures of the kitchen and bedroom because it's REALLY dirty and frankly, I don't really care to clean them right now, but here are all the rest)
The Dining Room
In the dining room/kitchen, I am trying to go for bright summery colors! I have the bright colored dishes to go along with this and I LOVE it! (you can see the dishes on a previous post somewhere.) It still needs a little work but I am loving where it is now! Oh and did you see how SMALL our CLOSET "kitchen" is...once it is clean I will get better pictures of the kitchen, but until then, this is what you get :)
The Living Room/New Couch!
Ok, yeah I just realized that I never told you guys about our new couch! We LOVE it and ended up paying only about $350 to buy it and get it home! (Thanks Steve for helping Josh carry the couch into our apartment!!) For the living room we are still going with the whole black, white and red color scheme! The Living Room is still very much in progress, so is our "study/craft room" behind the couch! It is looking way better now that we have furniture though. Oh and the rest of the room is kind of messy, that is why you only really get to look at the couch ;)!

The Bathroom

And the last place we go on this little tour is the bathroom. Here are a few pictures of the decorations we have going on in the bathroom. As you can tell, the colors are a weird shade of blue and white! I love it! We have this little shelve in the bathroom because we really didn't have anywhere to put our decorations, towels, or even extra toilet paper. It makes it a little crowded in the bathroom, but you gotta do what you gotta do!
Hopefully one of these days you will all be able to have seen my entire apartment in person or maybe I will eventually have it all clean and can give you a tour by video. Until then...well, that might be too long, so I will say until next time...

Friday, August 22, 2008

This one is for.....

Rachel Holloway....she made quite a good point on my last blog entry that said that I really needed to update my blog since it had been forever since I have written! So, here I am with pictures and all! But don't worry I am still being a slacker in other it is now 1:30pm and I still have yet to shower!

FIRST: On the Job Front...really there is NO news here! I am soo disappointed, I really thought that I would have one by now! The good news though is that I already have TWO job interviews next week. One on Monday and one on Tuesday! I REALLY hope that one of them works out. I am getting completely desperate here! And for any of you Ohio people, if you hear of anything send it my way!

SECOND: Something new that I learned this last week...Did you know that CARPET MELTS?!??!?! I had NO idea...obviously. Ok, so our kitchen is REALLY small and the best place for cookie sheets is in the oven. On Sunday I turned my oven on to make biscuits, forgot that the pans were in there. When I went to go tak them out (they were hot of course) I had no where to put them. All my counter space is full, the table was full of stuff and I was cooking on the stove. The only place that I thought they would be ok that I didn't have to work hard at was the floor in the "dining room!" So, I thought they would be totally fine there and never thought anything else of it. After dinner, I go to take a nap and Josh cleans up dinner (what a sweet heart, I know!). Soon after I had laid down, Josh comes in and says in a very polite way "Dina, you melted the carpet." I asked "How?" and he tells me. So, I walk out to the living room and find this: (now the pictures are kind of hard to see but see all the "glitter" that is where it is melted)

I still can't believe I did that! Oh and the carpet was BRAND new. It was laid just a few days before Josh got here. We really don't want to have to pay for new carpet when we move out. I think when they come to check us out that we should have a strategic box right there. Josh doesn't seem to think that this is completely honest, I am asking all of you "What should we do?"

THIRD: A girl in our ward had a girl's night last night! It was a lot fun and I was able to get to know a few other people. It was great! I brought cupcakes and had to show off my Christmas present from my mom...a cupcake carrier! Thanks MOM! It was very easy to use and very helpful!

FOURTH: I just wanted to put up a ton of pictures so, I took a picture of my lunch! Note that not only was this my lunch, but it was also my dinner last night and my dinner two nights ago. This is one of Josh's and mine favorite things to eat! Josh's mom, Jill, came to visit in Oklahoma and had made this for us and we have loved it ever since! We eat them quite often! The good thing about it is that not only are they REALLY good but they are so simple to make! All you do is spread BBQ sauce on pita bread, then top with onions, peppers, chicken, cheese and whatever else your heart desires! We love them! I encourage all of you to try them too, you will never go back!

FIFTH: Is this post getting too long? Oh well! Ok so yesterday I also went to go watch the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants movie with a Holly! I had just finished the last book of the series so I had to see the movie. I did like the movie a lot but in order to keep liking it, I can't compare it to the book. What movie is better than it's book??? Oh and I saw the new trailer for the next Happy Potter movie....AWESOME!!! That's all I can say. It looked really good. Hopefully I will be able to watch it with my sisters somehow, but we'll see....anyways, Sisterhood was a good movie, they did skip around quite a bit through the second and third book and they changed a lot of how things happened. Oh well, overall it was pretty good...(oh and I think I might start the Twilight books as my next reading project)

SIXTH: Well, This is one of my projects that I have been working on. It's really just one that I started and still haven't finished even though it really didn't take very long...So, my mom gave us some lamp before we left. we took them (they're free, why not?) but couldn't figure out what to do with them. We kept looking for other lampshades to use but could never find any that would fit and that would be the right colors; so, we made our own!...well, I actually just covered the old ones with new fabric! I have only done one so far, but I think it turned out pretty well. Here are the before and after pictures...Enjoy!

SEVENTH: J/k...I will let all of you go now and allow you to read someone else's blog who is probably more entertaining...but now I a feel a little better about being a slacker because I have done another post...Until next time....whenever that might be :)

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


That's right! That is exactly what I am! Now, you ask, what have I been slacking on? Oh how the many ways I could answer! I will only list a few, so I don't let all of you know just how much I have been slacking!

First, I have been slacking in my blogging. How? Well, yesterday it was my brother's and sister's and brother in law's birthday! I even wrote a whole post yesterday and said NOTHING to acknowledge any of their birthdays!. I would now like to take the time to tell all three of them happy belated birthday! Now, I did not totally slack though. I did call my broher in law, text my brother, and attempted to call my sister but never got ahold of her. Anyway, Happy Birthday to Nathan, Christine, and Chase! I hope it was a good one for all of you. Then today is my cousin birthday, Happy Birthday Jamie!!! I hope you are able to do something fun today! And before I forget, Happy Birthday to Ashley, my sister in law! Her birthday is tomorrow! I hope you are about to have an AWESOME day! Now, I would post pictures of all of the birthdays, but I don't have pictures of all of them on my camera and our scanner is broken from the NO, it is not because I am slacking.

Secondly, I am calling myself a slacker because I have slept in until at least 10am just about every morning lately, except Sunday because we have 9am church...but there have also been days where I have slept in much later than that. Today, I didn't shower until at least 1:30pm and then I didn't even put on makeup or brush my hair before I left the house. I did apply for quite a few jobs today though, so I wasn't completely wasting time. I am also making home spaghetti sauce and have been working on it on and off all day should be quite delicious! Well, I better go do something productive before Josh comes home so I feel like I can tell him that I did something today! Until next time...

Monday, August 11, 2008

One Week

Ok, So I have been here (meaning Parma, Ohio) for ONE week now! I'm having a pretty good time so far. I have been able to meet a lot of the other member students along with their wives. There are a lot of things that are changing for us out here in Ohio. Don't get me wrong, I am loving it here...but here are a few questions I have had:

I do not think the people here in Ohio really know what summer is. The weather that is occurring here right now, is more like early March in Oklahoma. I think that the high has hit 80 degrees only once since I have been here. It gets cold at night, so we are able to open our windows (who ever thought you could do that in August???). It has also rained at some point in the day every day that I have been here, except today...knock on wood. I just can't wait to see what winter is like here...I hear that they actually have one!

OK, so first of all...there are NO Super Walmart of Super Targets right near us. There is one that I went to today that is about ten or fifteen minutes away, but still?!?! Where do these people get their groceries, quite the adjustment especially when Wal-Mart is sooo cheap. Although, not really here. I look at their Oatmeal Creme Pies....they were $1.26! I can get the exact same thing in Oklahoma for ONE BUCK! I know it's only 26 cents, but it adds up after a while....Ok, so I am rambling, I know....back to tortillas! Ok, so I NEVER thought that tortillas could be sooo hard to locate in a store! I looked down their "Hispanic" food isle and found NOOOO soft tortillas....WHAT??? I also went down the bread isle earlier and did not find them, so I went back down the bread isle and looked closer and finally found them. But, unlike Oklahoma, they only had about a foot wide section for tortillas. I just found this to be a little interesting.

What's a blog??? I have no job and not really a thing to do, so why have I not blogged more than I did before? This is a question I have no answer to. The ONLY explanation I have is that in Oklahoma, when I had I job, the only time I really ever blogged was when I was at work. Hopefully, I will be able to get on the ball soon.

Now I know I had a few more questions, but now that I am actually sitting down writing them, I can't think of them. Oh well, I am sure they would probably bore you too much. I am pretty excited to be here in Ohio. I am really doing pretty good at finding things around here. Now, all I need to find is a job!! Hopefully, I will be able to find a good one quickly. Well, that's about all for now....Josh just got home from school. Laters!!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Shawnee's Wedding!

I have NO idea how I forgot to tell you about Shawnee's wedding! Shawnee and James got married on Friday August 1, 2008! I am soooo happy for them! Everything went pretty smooth and Shawnee was beautiful! They looked soooo very very happy too! It was really sweet watching James smiling as big as he could the whole day and seeing Shawnee so happy that we was crying during the ceremony! Congrats to the both of you! And I know I have told you this about a thousand times, but Josh was really sad he wasn't able to be there! To make it up to you though, you have a free place to stay any time you want to come to Cleveland ;) Congrats again and we hope to see you guys soon!

And here is a picture of my cute nephew, Matthew:


We are officially both in Parma, OHIO!! Well, we actually have been for a day or two now! I am really actually enjoying myself! We live close to EVERYTHING!! I no longer have to drive at least 25 minutes to get to a store! Let me tell you how nice this is! We are about 5 minutes from a smaller mall, Target, Wal-Mart, resturants, Best Buy and much much more! This is a GREAT location. I am soo not use to living in the city but I am LOVING it so far. For example, today I was puting together a bookshelve that we bought and I needed a hammer and could not find one at home, so I went to Target which was a 5 minute drive! It was really nice to be able to do that!

Ok, so what else are we doing? Josh is still in orientation stuff, so I am staying at home putting things away and I am suppose to be looking for a job. I am really loving not working, so it is really hard for me to be motivated to go out and look for a job. I am only motivated to go look whenever I look at the checkbook! In fact, I should be looking right now...but what am I doing...BLOGGING!! Anyone know a good place to find jobs?

In case my mom is reading...I do miss you! I know my mom is having a really hard time with members of the family and I know she had a hard time saying good bye to me. Mom, I love you and I just wish you could come move to Ohio too or at least try and visit frequently!

Like I said, we are really enjoying it here. Josh has made several friends that are mostly members of the church. I think there are about 16-17 members in his class, which is pretty exciting. The weather here is really nice too. The temperature highs are only in the lower 80s and we just came from Oklahoma where the highs are around 105!!! I guess I better go see what kind of jobs I can find on the internet!