Tuesday, August 12, 2008


That's right! That is exactly what I am! Now, you ask, what have I been slacking on? Oh how the many ways I could answer! I will only list a few, so I don't let all of you know just how much I have been slacking!

First, I have been slacking in my blogging. How? Well, yesterday it was my brother's and sister's and brother in law's birthday! I even wrote a whole post yesterday and said NOTHING to acknowledge any of their birthdays!. I would now like to take the time to tell all three of them happy belated birthday! Now, I did not totally slack though. I did call my broher in law, text my brother, and attempted to call my sister but never got ahold of her. Anyway, Happy Birthday to Nathan, Christine, and Chase! I hope it was a good one for all of you. Then today is my cousin birthday, Happy Birthday Jamie!!! I hope you are able to do something fun today! And before I forget, Happy Birthday to Ashley, my sister in law! Her birthday is tomorrow! I hope you are about to have an AWESOME day! Now, I would post pictures of all of the birthdays, but I don't have pictures of all of them on my camera and our scanner is broken from the move...so NO, it is not because I am slacking.

Secondly, I am calling myself a slacker because I have slept in until at least 10am just about every morning lately, except Sunday because we have 9am church...but there have also been days where I have slept in much later than that. Today, I didn't shower until at least 1:30pm and then I didn't even put on makeup or brush my hair before I left the house. I did apply for quite a few jobs today though, so I wasn't completely wasting time. I am also making home spaghetti sauce and have been working on it on and off all day today...it should be quite delicious! Well, I better go do something productive before Josh comes home so I feel like I can tell him that I did something today! Until next time...


  1. Thanks for the birthday wish! You are so not a slacker, we remembered and called Chase last night at like 10! I'm so jealous of your sleeping in ablities, or just the fact that you get too! I'd say enjoy this break from work and relax! Hope your spaghetti sauce turns out yummy (I'm sure it will!) Love ya!

  2. Ha ha! I've been sleeping in till about 930 or 10 everyday. Might as well while we can right?:)

  3. Hey are you doing anything tomorrow?

  4. Dina, we finally updated our blog. We love you and miss you. xoxoxo Nola and Gary

  5. Thanks for the comment and by the way I love your blog! And yes I'm going to the girl's night thing. It should be fun. I see you there!

  6. Um....your last post was...let's see...FOREVER ago!! Let's see another one!! Pics and all!!! :)
